Trackosaurus Rex and Tweed


Photo – Kit Oates – full set here.

I don’t even think I qualify as a fakenger, maybe a wanna-be fakenger? There seems to be plenty of internet chatter about the rise of courier culture – fixies, bags, rolled up jeans, rapha caps. I stand guilty as charged. In fact I’m still saving up for some of these things. I don’t think they notice me so much here on the south coast, but fakengers have infiltrated the London scene and are even turning up to messenger events…and even winning. I also wear Vans, but don’t have a skateboard. That’s pretty awful too isn’t it?

Anyway, I wanted to have a run around some of the cool sites that I’ve found whilst searching for the chic that’ll make me look good on a bike. (I need work). Trackosaurus Rex is a great site, with tons of videos of people doing crazy stuff on bikes and the low down on new bits and pieces – wheels, clothes, frames etc. I’m also dipping into City Cycling which has a load of issues of its on-line mag with great articles about bikes (of all kinds).

I’m also waiting in eager anticipation of The Tweed Cycling Club, I’ll be on the lookout for a dapper pair of plus-fours. In fact there are some fantastic videos of the former tweed wearing cycling masses. Go seek at – these were originally posted at The Chap – purveyors of fine moustache themed gentlemanliness.
