the beat that my heart skipped


Saw two films this week – A History of Violence which was played pretty straight for a David Cronenberg film, except for the blood effects, they were a bit more Cronenbergian.

Second film (picture above) was The beat that my heart skipped which was just blinding, another gritty and complex drama from Jacques Audiard and the writer Tonino Benacquista, whose book I just happened to pick up last year, having been the first book I’d read in ages in French. I was just facinated by the main character, a deeply unsympathetic person, a complex personality played brilliantly by Romain Duris.

We saw both films at our new favourite Cinema 6 which is the historic dockyards in Portsmouth. As far as we can gather they’ve formed a film club using the cinema at Action Stations. It seems to be early days and the audiences are picking up, its busier each time we’ve been. More information here You’ll have to check the paper for listings, but there are some good movies coming up.


Originally uploaded by hp_thornton.

Happy New Year to you all, and apologise for the lack of posts, this will be remedied I promise. I’ve got lots of things to post about, and I’ll get cracking right away. In the meantime, I’ve been leaving photos at flickr and I’m flirting with the idea of starting a livejournal so that way I can add a bit more information to the photos on flickr, post them direct and then leave dots and spaces for fun things i spot, articles, cool stuff i want to talk about, bands, films, bikes, etc. I’ll let you know soon.

new dawn of broadband

You just won’t believe how quickly this page loaded up….really, fast. Of course there are lots of cool things with lovely fast broadband, including being able to load up The Ricky Gervais Show with the genius that is Karl Pilkington…so frightening. I was cracking up on the train this morning, grinning like an idiot just listening to them all. If you are also superfast, then Bears is also good fun. So…all Ricky Gervais eh?
