Blue Eyed Hexe


Always nice to run into an old friend, especially when they're in rude health as Pixies are. I think I quite like these new tracks which you can download as ep1 and ep2 from Black Francis is doing some proper screaming here and the video is a tad horrible, bit horrow show as you would have it. I love the animation, savage cutout work and quite grisly. There's enough darkness in the music to make their return worthwhile.

So, it is a shame Kim Deal isn't in the band anymore. The Breeders have just come to the end of a very long tour for the twentieth anniversary of Last Splash LSXX, it just looks like they had a ball. Really enjoying Kim Deal's Singles Project, this year is already giving up rewards. 


Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Movie from Semiconductor on Vimeo.

An amazing film from a group that call themselves Semicondutor. In their wonderful films, they tap into science and visualise the incredible shapes, patterns, sounds and images that sometimes can be seen, but more often is invisible to the naked eye. The films have a lovely feel about them, the one above sparkles with magnetic fields, bouncing and shimmering across the screen like tiny mischievous creatures.
