Salt and Cold.

I really struggled through the winter to emerge relieved that finally I don’t have to cope with the awfulness of arriving at work in the dark and heading home in the dark. Perhaps I should have taken a little more holiday and enjoyed some beautiful crisp winter days so that the nights and gloom could be better endured. 

Who wouldn’t benefit from more daylight? Perhaps as has been suggested, we should help teenagers out and start school later at 10 or 11am as they struggle with sleep deprivation and anxiety. Likewise primary schools should open a little earlier and provide breakfast, setting them up for a good day ahead.

In the last year I’ve taken up sea swimming, but recently a lack of courage, fortitude and daylight have limited how often I’ve driven down to the beach. When I do manage a dip over a weekend I can feel the tension of the week released from my body, my bones easing, emerging fresh and awake. I love the taste of salt and cold and it feels terrific warming up and standing on the shore looking out. 

