

Digital is so last year, what you need is a bit of paper tucked in your back pocket, one that you can change without powering up, one that won’t cost you more than a couple of pence, and will keep all the numbers of the local takeaways available in a flash. Make yourself a pocketmod. I saw this in ready made mag and thought it would be quite useful. You can make your own custom version and even download a little desktop app for Mac and PC.

Paris Riots

The Guardian has published an extract from a statement on Matthieu Kassovitz’s website. Kassovitz is the acclaimed director of La Haine and in his statement he discusses the recent unrest in France. It is a heartfelt piece, appealling for dialogue and understanding between the government and the rioters. “Zero Tolence works both ways” he says, without “raprochement” the unrest will continue. It seems that France has to ask itself some difficult questions about the nature of integration and racial diversity. More information here about Kassovitz and more at The Guardian.



Almost got the Weezer cd with this image on it – it’s very rare and called “The Lion and the Witch”, but I got pipped at the post. Nevermind. In truth I only wanted it for the wonderful kozyndan illustrated cover. They are two L.A illustrators who have a great site and a blog. I like the detail of these drawings, the views they present, but be warned, you get lulled into thinking they depict real scenes, and then you notice very strange things happening, that you’re somewhere a little bit different.

Also wanted to mention Olivier Kugler who has been cropping up in the newspaper with his beautifully illustrated documentary pieces. There were some great images when the BBC did their China week, at least I think that was the connection. Anyway, I like the scratchy style, oh, here’s the picture I mean, and again the detail and shadow.

mo’ hole


It happened about 43 seconds after we’d just left the table and we were sitting on the sofa for a cup of tea, I heard a creaking sound and looked back to see the ceiling falling down. Now we have a bigger hole. But don’t worry, the man is coming round on Wednesday to fix it and it will all be as good as new. Suggestions so far include knocking through and attaching a fireman’s pole, a piece of shatterproof glass so that you can see up into the spare bedroom, filling it in, but painting the new bit red or blue, etc. Its amazing how creative people get faced with a hole. Its going to be fixed, simple as that.

Found out the Tour is heading to Brittany again, great news – a time trail around Rennes, which isn’t too far away from my folks’ place. You can find the route here, check out the poster, what a great idea.
